I've been taking two workshops at once - Foremothers - Imitating Women Poets from Poetry Barn, which always has outstanding workshops, and a Flash Fiction mini workshop from Meg Pokrass, who is a fantastic flash and novella in flash author I admire.
With all the writing, I haven't done as much submitting, but I have done some.
I've had three more poems accepted by the literary magazine for WVU, where I'm working on my three year MFA certificate.
I have also had poems accepted by Tuck, Golden Walkman and Social Justice Poetry. I've never recorded myself reading my own poem before, so I was a bit anxious about Golden Walkman, but, after seven tries filled with the joyous voices of canaries or the meowing of a cat, I finally managed.
In other news, the new studio space now has a floor. Next will be new windows. I am still working on location for the most part, as the renovations are taking much longer than expected.