Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Cherita - OctPoWriMo Day 3

Today's challenge was to try a new form, the Cherita. I've never heard of it before and will have to do some research to see if I was successful! I chose the word prompt "From the shadows." (Cheritas don't have titles, but if they did, I would call this Coyote Dreams.)

He waits, belly grounded.

She doesn’t forget - head count,
final lockdown, as sun says goodnight.

She knows he waits in the dark of shadows
for the night she comes after God hangs the moon -
won’t serve her hens up on a careless platter.

Penny on the lookout for danger


  1. love the wiliness of the women v the wiliness of the predator coyote....(and yes, it was a new form for me too)

  2. love the wiliness of the women v the wiliness of the predator coyote....(and yes, it was a new form for me too)

  3. Thanks. It is a fun form. Very easy to remember 1,2,3...but I'm sure there are nuances I need to discover.

  4. Nice job, Katelyn. The opening line set the idea of needing to be watchful. I especially liked the line: "...she comes after God hung the moon..." Thank you. xoA

  5. Well done! I could feel the danger and the protection both!

  6. "After God hangs the moon..." perfect! I love the simple way you portray her strength.

  7. Your hens are blessed to have your watchful eyes.

  8. Protective Penny! Lovely cherita!


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